One pound is the equivalent of 0.453592 kgs. When you see the weight on the scale measured in pounds it can be difficult to convert the pounds to kilograms accurately without a calculator.
If a person weighs 142 pounds, they weigh 64.4101 kgs. Many people take a kilogram conversion by saying a 100-pound person would weigh approximately 50 kgs. That is really close to accurate but it is not exactly accurate, so if you need a precise number then you need to buy scales that have the ability to read your weight in grams and kilograms and not just in ounces and pounds.
There Are Two Methods You can Read Weighing Scale in Kilogram
1. Manual Kilogram Scales
When you are reading manual kilogram scales you have to be able to read the numbered kilograms and the lines between the numbered kilograms.
On a pair of kitchen scales that are designed to measure in kilograms, you will find that between the numbers listed on the scale there are four small lines between each big number.
If you count the numbered line and the four lines between it and the next number you will see that there are five lines in total. Each of the five lines represents 200 grams so each mainline equals 1000 grams which convert to one kilogram.
When you see the line marked 0 kilograms the line represents 200 grams, the next mark represents another 200 grams so it is the equivalent of 400 grams, the next line adds another 200 grams to equal 600 grams, the next line adds another 200 grams bringing the total to 800 grams and then the next line adds 200 grams bringing the total to 800 grams. The next line would be the 1 numbered line and that is the equivalent of 1 kilogram or 1000 grams.
Related: Best Milligram Scales
2. Digital Kilogram Scales
Most digital scales will allow you to choose the unit of measure it reads the weight in. On some of these scales, there is a special selection button that allows you to change the unit of measure, and on other scales, you will use the power button to make the change between kilograms or pounds.
If you have a designated measurement selection button you will power on the scales and then select the unit of measure you wish the scales to reflect the weight in.
If you have to change the unit of measure using the power button then you will need to press the power button several times until it changes the measurement unit to kilograms instead of pounds. If you have difficulties in getting the scale to change you may need to remove the battery and let the computer sit without a battery for at least five minutes then replace the battery and power the unit on.
When changing the display on a set of scales the scales must be set on a flat and level surface just like they would need to be if you were weighing yourself. Make sure the area where you place the scales is hard, flat, and level then proceeds with the changes of unit measurement.
The following chart will also help you to read kilograms instead of ounces and pounds.
1 ounce | 1/16 pound | 28.3495 grams |
2 ounces | 1/8 pound | 56.669 grams |
3 ounces | 1/5.3 pound | 85.049 grams |
4 ounces | 1/4 pound | 113.398 grams |
8 ounces | 1/2 pound | 226.796 grams |
12 ounces | 3/4 pound | 340.194 grams |
16 ounces | 1 pound | 453.592 grams |
32 ounces | 2 pounds | 907.185 grams |
1 kilogram | 2.2 pounds | 1000 grams |
The choice to use kilogram or pounds measurements will normally depend on where the individual is from because the United States uses the pounds and ounces and European countries use the grams and kilograms. The choice may also be determined by the need to measure very small amounts of substances. When measuring in very small amounts generally grams are used instead of ounces.
Your choice to use scales that display weights in kilograms should drive you to purchase scales that have the ability to change weight measurements. This is a common feature on digital scales but when you are purchasing traditional mechanical scales the option to have them read in kilogram instead of pounds will not be afforded to you.
Look on the package when you purchase your scales to see if they can read in kilograms. Follow the instructions from the manufacturer to get the scales set up to read in kilograms and keep your instructions so you can make changes in the future if you need to do so.
Final Thoughts
The new technology that is being used in scales has advanced scales so we get to set them to read in the unit of measure we like, and some of them can even be connected to our smartphones so we can get the weight measurement sent to our phones or tablets.