Taylor scales have gained the trust and confidence of the public because they are highly accurate, easy-to-use devices. The company has a fabulous reputation for building scales that are dependable, long-lasting, reliable, and very precise.
The Taylor company has been making scales since 1851. Their devices have changed with the latest technology but they have always remained very easy to use. From time to time all scales need to be calibrated and reset and Taylor has made this process easy to understand and complete.
Why Reset Taylor Scales?

The main reason why anyone resets their scales is that they have repositioned the device. Scales may have a difficult time finding perfect zero after they have been moved. We often move our scales to keep them out of the way or when we sweep or mop. Once they are moved the unit might read differently and this could affect the amount of weight they display.
Another major reason why people reset weight measurement scales is that the batteries in the device have gotten old or stopped functioning. When the battery in the scale needs to be replaced then it is reasonable to expect that you will need to recalibrate or set the scales to get accurate readings.
Before you use a set of scales for the first time manufacturers suggest that you calibrate the scales. We suggest you to read our guide on the top digital pocket scales review post.
Reset Steps for the Taylor Scale

Taylor scales are possibly the easiest weight measurement scales to reset or calibrate.
- Make sure the scale is positioned on a flat and level surface.
- Press the power button on the scale to power it on.
- Now press the up and down buttons at the same time for a period of three seconds. This step clears the data that is in the memory of the scale and it is critical that you maintain pressure on the up and down button for a minimum of three seconds.
- Repeat the data clearance step for each profile that has been saved to the scale memory.
- Once the data is erased you now want to lift the unit and remove the battery.
- The battery needs to be out of the device for no less than five minutes.
- After the proper length of time has passed you can install fresh batteries into the device. It is recommended that the batteries you place in the unit are fresh so you do not have to replace them quickly in the future.
- Place the scales in the desired location and use them as the instructions indicate.
Quick Calibration
Sometimes you merely need to recalibrate the scale. This can be done easily with this brand of weight measuring equipment.
- Make sure the scale is properly situated on a flat and even surface. Soft surfaces do not allow the scale to read accurately
- Place one foot on the scale and apply enough pressure to make the scale begin to display zero or a series of dashes
- When you see the dashes or the zero remove your foot from the scale
- Allow the scale to turn off completely
- Step back onto the platform of the scale with both feet and the weight provided should be accurate
Error Readings
Taylor scales have error displays when the scale senses that everything is not right to allow it to function effectively. Learning what these error codes mean will allow you to fix the problem that the scale is encountering.
There are 6 different errors that the scales recognize and alert users to.
- When a 0 is displayed it indicates an initialization problem
- When a 1 is displayed it indicates that the scale is unstable and the surface it is sitting on is not a flat and level surface.
- When a 2 is displayed it indicates the unit has been jarred so you need to step off and let it power down then start again or it indicates that the weight that has been placed on the platform exceeds the capacity of the scale.
- When a 3 is displayed it indicates there is a problem with the feet and they may be too small to actually initiate the sensors
- When a 4 is displayed it indicates the body fat is not within range
- When a 5 is displayed it indicates that the water is not within range
Tips on Keeping Your Scales Accurate

- Choose a fixed location for the scales to be kept in. Do not keep the device on a shelf because you would have to lift it each time you used it and then calibrate it before every use.
- Scales need flat and level surfaces in order for them to work properly. Floors that are carpeted do not provide the best support so choose a place where the scale is positioned on a smooth surface like tile, wood, linoleum, etc.
- Carefully read the instruction manual that comes with your scales. The best way to avoid complications with your equipment is for you to follow the guidelines in the manufacturer’s instruction manual they include in the packaging with the scale. If you have lost this packaging, you can go online and look on the Taylor site to find replacement instructions.
One thing you have to remember about scales is that each unit will provide you with a weight measurement that is slightly different. Do not reset your Taylor scales every time you weigh at the doctor’s office and get a different number. If the weight is within five pounds of the weight your scales provide then both scales are likely accurate just some scales are more sensitive than others.